Customer Notice: 2024 will incur some price alterations and will be completed by the 15th January 2024.


Online Flower Essence Master Class 25th April

On the 25th April at 6pm -7.30pm via zoom Helen is sharing her knowledge with this online session for 10 people, that want to know more about flower essences and the life changing benefits they bring to the world. Do you want to know more about Vibrational Flower Essences ? How do they work ? How they can enhance your life ? How  do they can open up more connections to people and community ? How they change the vibration of your inner world and outer world ? This online session is an opportunity to meet the creator of the flower portal and learn about the amazing benefits of flower essence therapy. Many people ask me. how and what are flower essences. This session we meet other like minded people who are interested in the pure magic and alchemy of creating essences and working with them on a personal level.  You will meet others and get the opportunity to ask questions whilst sharing your experiences. Anyone that embarks on this workshop will be guided  by Helen with a flower essence meditation and hone in on the vibrational medicine available to us all.. This will be a warm and friendly meeting place that encourages you to link into your own garden, land and community. Helen will be available to share her extensive knowledge of flower essences and how to work with them in a creative way. It is friendly, fun and informative whilst welcoming everyone, those who are new to flower essences or for those that maybe want to expand their knowledge and self enquiry.
